How to Order

How To ORder

To help us choose the best solution for your needs, we need a few details. Please have a look below and provide this information in the contact form below or to your chosen dealer.

Motorcycle details

Total length, total weight, wheel-base, ground clearance. For quads, Can-Ams, JetSkis please provide also the width.

Loading vehicle details

Please measure the length of your cargo area with the tailgate down (red arrow), with the tailgate closed (blue arrow), and the loading height (yellow arrow). If you wish to install the ramp in a Van, make sure to measure the cargo area length with the doors closed.
Pickup measurements

General info

Please specify if your Pickup has a bed cover installed, if the tie-downs are located towards the top, middle or bottom of the cargo area.

Order inquiry

Please note that submitting this form does NOT constitute any purchasing obligation on your part.

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